Cles, Val di Non

Water packages

B&B + KAYAK (ideal for families)

n.2 nights with breakfast.

n.1 excursion (half day) to the Santa Giustina lake in kayak with its Fjords and spectacular gorges of the Rio Novella (Suitable for families !).

Package price: 106 euro per person

For at least 2 people


n.2 nights with breakfast.

n.1 Rafting trip “Rio Claro 5 miles” on the “Fiume Noce”

Package price: 104 euro per person

For at least 2 people


n.2 nights with breakfast.

n.1 Hydrospeed trip “Easy” 3 miles on the “Fiume Noce” (is reserved for people over the age of 18)

Package price: 110 euro per person

For at least 2 people

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