Cles, Val di Non

Dolomiti Brenta


The reborn

In order to avoid the forthcoming extinction of the brown bear (Ursus arctos L.), Adamello Brenta Nature Park launched the Life Ursus reintroduction project in 1996.

Ten brown bears were introduced between 1999 and 2002. These adapted well to the new living environment and originated a population which today, in 2018, numbers more than 58.



Perfect for Bike Touring enthusiasts

The Country route (red line on the map) runs parallel to the Expert route but avoids the most demanding climbs so that also less trained bikers can enjoy the beauty of the Brenta Group.

In the most difficult tracks you can make use of a luggage transport service or you can be carried by the “Dolomiti Express” shuttle without any effort till your destination. This route is ideal for families who want to spend relaxed cycling holidays.

136 Km

Lunghezza tracciato

4600 m


3+ giorni


On Brenta Dolomites you can find the Expert route (black line on the map), a challenging off-road MTB trail that amaze eyes and hearts of the visitors.

It is 171 Km long, more than a half of which on dirt tracks, and has 7.700 metres of elevation gain.

It leads you to the legendary stages of the Transalp Mountain Bike Tour: Grostè peak, Crozzon di Brenta, Campanil Basso and Monte Peller.

177 Km

Lunghezza tracciato

7700 m


3+ giorni






Both MTB routes are followed during the Translap Tour to reach the Lake Garda. Moreover, you can link the Explorer trails to your route, six additional alternatives, one for each area, to deeper explore the valleys and the villages on Brenta Dolomites.

The tracks are highlighted in the underlying map with the following colours: Val di Tovel (violet), Monte Gazza (green), Monte Casale (orange), Val di Breguzzo (light blue), Val Borzago (pink) e Masi da Mont (yellow).

Do you go to Lake Garda or get the Brenta Dolomites tour? Choose your MTB route on the map!

Select the MTB route on the map

From Casa Redolfi B&B (Start Point) you can reach the Lake Garda or make a ring tour around the Brenta Dolomites. You only have to choose between the two routes: Country (red line) or Expert (black line).

Select the MTB route, the number of days and extras. You will receive the total price and information about related accommodation facilities and services.

Your information request is not automatically considered a booking.

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Date of arrival at CasaRedolfi B&B - Start Point (required)

    Where do you go?

    Step/days 1,2,3,4,5 (0,1,2,3,4 nights) (required)

    MTB route

    Add Explorer Tours

    N° Adults


    Luggage transfer
    High definition paper map
    Mountain bike guide


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